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Three Main Benefits of Working with a Virtual Assistant


If hiring a Virtual Assistant is something you have been considering but still have not made the decision to do yet, we have compiled a list of three of the main benefits hiring a VA can provide which will be sure to make up your mind!

Virtual Assistants Ireland

 At Virtual Assistants Ireland, we have assembled a team of talented VAs purposely sought to help your specific business needs. With a VA by your side, you can hand over some of the responsibilities you’ve taken on and ensure your business can run smoothly. 


The list of benefits when hiring a Virtual Assistant is endless but read on for three we feel are particularly important!


Wider Hiring Pool 

As the job title suggests, a Virtual Assistant is a professional who works with companies from a remote location. Hiring a VA means that your company can have access to a wider hiring pool and, therefore, is not location-limited when hiring. You can hire the best talent from all over the country to support you with your business needs. 


Productivity and Quality of Work 

A Virtual Assistant is an expert in their respective field and, therefore, you will not be required to hire and train in new staff who might not have as much experience. A VA will be able to assist you in reducing the time taken and enhancing the quality of work. Some of the services the team at Virtual Assistants Ireland provide include calendar management, bookkeeping, digital marketing as well as managing social media accounts. With a VA supporting the company with these types of tasks, you can dedicate additional time to other areas of the business that require your full and undivided attention. 

Cost Effectiveness  

One of the main reasons hiring a Virtual Assistant has become so popular is due to its cost-effectiveness in comparison to hiring a full-time member of staff. With VAs, you only pay for the hours the individual has worked rather than a full-time salary. A VA can assist with you with daily tasks, join your team to support one-off projects or even ad-hoc services meaning your costs are fixed to the allocated hours. As VAs work remotely, you do not need to invest money into hiring an office space and can reallocate the funds you would have spent to where it is really needed. 



To learn more about the benefits of hiring a Virtual Assistant, why not book a free consultation with one of our experts who can take you through the full process and find out what type of services your business is in need of? 

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